Tuesday, 20 October 2009


Well a little bit about me….. My name is Kevin Finlay. I am 25, married to my wonderful wife Leanne and have 2 Dogs and a Cat to fight with for her attention. We live in a village called Brae in the north mainland of Shetland and have done for just over a year.

I only really got involved in photography with any serious enthusiasm when I moved to the Shetland Islands two years ago. Before then I had been a bit of a snapper with my compact camera but nothing serious. I bought my first DSLR last year (a Nikon D40) and have just this week upgraded to a Nikon D300s, although I suspect I shall continue to use the D40 until I am up to speed with the book on the 300s.

My main passions and reasons in getting into photography was Nature photography. I love to get out and about in the Shetland wilderness with my trusty helper (Labrador named Bailey) drag the camera along and just soak up the surroundings.

I have no previous experience or other qualifications related to Photography or other Creative Arts, If fact quite the opposite. I am the Site Manager for a Construction firm within Sullom Voe Oil Terminal.

Outwith photography my other main interests are motorcycles, wargames and my dogs. I am sure they will appear in some medium within this coursework as models or by getting in the way!


I have received the workpack from OCA and I am very pleased with the quality and content of the package. It seems very well structured but daunting at the same time. Having read over the first few projects and having a bit of a brainstorm, I am just looking forward to getting started.

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