Sunday, 25 October 2009

Project 2 - Focus with a Set Aperture

Project 2

The idea in Project 2 is Analise the effect aperture has on the various parts of a scene. To demonstrate this, 2 or 3 photos are required to be taken at the smallest aperture but focusing on different areas of the frame.

For these images I was looking to find 3 objects all of similar sizes so the difference would be clearer to spot the difference that the aperture made to the Depth of Field. I was struggling to find something that I thought suitable for this task. I lot's of idea's but all inaccessible to me at the time. While wandering with the camera I stopped at 'Toft' ferry terminal and thought to try this exercise out.

I am not as happy with the images as I could be but was keen to keep momentum with getting these projects done.

Here are the images:

The focus here is on the 1st post at the left edge of the frame. The small aperture has thrown the second and third post's out of focus.

In this shot, the focus is on the second post in the centre of the frame. The post's adjacent have now lost focus.

In this shot, the focus is on the furthest distance. I realise that I have partially cropped the first shot out of frame but as you can see that the 2 posts to the left of the post in focus are out of focus.

I don't really have a preference to any of the 3 images but I do now notice more than before how by one element being in focus pulls your attention away from other parts of the shot. If time allows, I would like to come back to the project with a different set of objects and have another go.

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